You’ve heard the expression clothes make the man and you wonder if it’s true. There’s no need to wonder, just think of your reaction to various men you’ve met. Look around you at the head of your company or the patrons of that classy restaurant you’ve been eyeing for your next date. Look at their clothes and ask yourself one question – was that bought off the shelf? [...]
If you examine their suits with a critical eye you’ll notice immediately that the fabric is high end, the design is unique and the suit fits perfectly. The sleeves are the perfect length and the jacket fits their build exquisitely. When you compare that with the suit you have, that may have been purchased at a high end clothier, you’ll instantly see what sets their ensemble apart.
In this competitive world, perception is everything. When you meet a new colleague, your first impressions are formed by their handshake, eye contact and of course, what they are wearing. Though he passes the handshake and eye contact test, an ill-fitting suit causes you to wonder what you are missing about this man.
When you encounter a man with a perfectly coordinated wardrobe made with materials that move with the man and hang with perfect lines, you notice. You may look at your jacket or pants, and though they fit perfectly, simply don’t project the style this man’s clothes do. You inherently know that this is the look you want.
The secret is that these men whose wardrobe you admire, likely have their clothing custom made. A custom suit made with high end raw materials will determine the look and the weight of your suit.
Make no mistake about it the suit you wear to the office is not the same suit you would wear to the company gathering on the boss’s yacht. Men who stand out realize that the occasion determines the style, fabric and fit of their suit. Your power accessories for the crucial business meeting will not be appropriate your evening at the club. Experienced tailors can help you customize occasion appropriate suits so you are always at the top of your game.